Informations de trading destinées aux clients

vendredi - 2 octobre 2015

Rollovers, holidays and dividends in the following week

Dear Clients,

Please see below events that could affect your trading for the next week:

Wednesday 07.10 - OIL, VOLX

Due to national holidays trading on following instruments will be cancelled:
Monday 05.10 - USDILS
Friday 09.10 – KOSP200

Dividends Equity CFD (paid in cash):
Monday 05.10 - BBVA.ES, BKT.ES, CMCSA.US, GPS.US
Wednesday 07.10 - AXP.US, MA.US, MON.US, T.US, VZ.US
Friday 09.10 - CPB.US, ORCL.US





Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you that with immediate effect, we have modified the hours which we are offering a different spread on EURSEK, EURNOK, USDSEK and USDNOK.

From now on we are going to offer a spread of 120 pips from 06:00 p.m to 08:00 a.m in our Basic offer, .

Changes will be reflected in point 15 of the following site

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

mercredi - 30 septembre 2015


Dear Clients,

Due to low liquidity, spread on basic offer instruments: EURSEK, EURNOK, USDSEK and USDNOK will be widened to 120 points from 20:00 to 8:00 (currently 22:00 to 8:00). This comes in force today, remains until further notice.

Please contact us if you have any questions.
XTB Team


Important notification: changes to instruments

Dear Trader,
We’ve done some modifications to our offer coming into force Tuesday 6th October 2015.

From the 6th October the following changes will apply.

Points 18 and 19 for USDTRY and EURTRY on our notes in have changed:
18. Between 08:00 – 20:00 CET, USDTRY is quoted with the standard Spread of 12 pips, between 20:00 – 08:00 CET with the Spread of 65 pips.
19. Between 08:00 – 20:00 CET, EURTRY is quoted with the standard Spread of 13 pips, between 20:00 – 08:00 CET with the Spread of 70 pips.

A new point have been added on our list in relation of USDCLP:
26. Instrument USDCLP is in ‘close only’ mode

For more information about all of our markets simply visit the range of markets section of our website.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team or your Account Manager if you have any questions about these changes.

Kind regards,
The XTB UK team

vendredi - 25 septembre 2015

Rollovers, holidays and dividends in the following week

Dear Clients,

Please see below events that could affect your trading for the next week:


There will be no rollovers in the following week.


Due to national holidays trading on following instruments will be cancelled:

  • Monday 28.09 – CHNComp, CZKCASH, KOSP200
  • Tuesday 29.09 –KOSP200
  • Thursday 01.10 –CHNComp, HKComp
  • Friday 02.10 - INDIA50


Dividends Equity CFD (paid in cash):

  • Monday 28.09 – DOW.US, FP.FR, GTT.FR, PM.US, PXD.US, USB.US, XRX.US, MANU.US
  • Tuesday 29.09 – EMC.US, PZU.PL, STT.US, TWC.US
  • Wednesday 30.09 – BMY.US
  • Friday 2.10 – BBD.US, EBRO.ES, JPM.US



  • Thursday 1.10 – DOW.US


Dear Clients,

Today, there is a change of delivery date for HKComp, CHNComp, INDIA50 and NATGAS instruments. Clients who have open positions will be credited or debited with proper swap points amounts.

These are:

  • HKComp, 34 swap points for long position; -34 swap points for short position
  • CHNComp, -3 swap points for long position; 3 swap points for short position
  • INDIA50, -272 swap points for long position; 272 swap points for short position
  • NATGAS, -83 swap points for long position; 83 swap points for short position

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

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Les CFD sont des instruments complexes et présentent un risque élevé de perte rapide en capital en raison de l'effet de levier. 77% de comptes d'investisseurs de détail perdent de l'argent lors de la négociation de CFD avec ce fournisseur. Vous devez vous assurer que vous comprenez comment les CFD fonctionnent et que vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre le risque probable de perdre votre argent. Avec le Compte Risque Limité, le risque de pertes est limité au capital investi. 

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