差价合约 (""CFDs"") 是复杂工具,并且由于杠杆作用而资本迅速亏损的风险很高。在与该提供商交易差价合约时,82%的零售投资者账户会亏钱。您应该考虑是否了解差价合约是如何运作的,以及您是否有能力承担损失金钱的高风险。

Alphabet shares lowest in a year 📉

下午11:52 2022年9月20日

Alphabet (GOOGC.US) shares reached levels near $100 today. The share price is the lowest since February 2021, the stock has pierced the minimums of June this year:

  • Alphabet Inc. is a holding company whose subsidiary is Google;
  • Google accounts for 99% of Alphabet's revenue. More than 85% comes from online advertising;
  • The advertising industry has seen a massive slowdown this year due to cost-cutting by service providers;
  • Google is seeing significant revenue from sales of apps and content on Google Play and YouTube;
  •  Alphabet's Moonshot investments are in another betting segment, where it is betting on technology that improves health (Verily), faster Internet access in homes (Google Fiber), autonomous cars (Waymo) and more;
  • Recent market surveys in the U.S. have shown that consumers are shifting their interest toward groceries , record poor performance in the services sector and appliance sales which is hitting Alphabet's business fundamentals;
  • High interest rates and record inflation is an environment that is not positive for scaling business in the face of risk aversion and both households and businesses keeping spending to a minimum; 
  • Products like the Chromebook, Pixel and smart home services (Nest, Google Home) do not seem to be consumers' preferred expenditures in a period of inflation;
  • Google's growing share of revenue is made up of cloud fees and licensing revenue, which helps the company maintain higher margins.

Alphabet shares, W1 interval. The stock has been moving in a downward trend since the beginning of this year. Jerome Powell's speech at Jackson Hole shook off Wall Street's dreams of faster monetary easing, which coincided with a local price peak near $125. The price is approaching the 200-session average, which runs at $92. However, the $100 border may be a psychological support zone for bulls and the last 'bastion' of defense against an influx of supply. Source: xStation5

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