02:45 PM BST, United States - PMI Data for October:
- S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI: actual 48.5; forecast 47.8; previous 47.8;
03:00 PM BST, United States - ISM Data for October:
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- ISM Manufacturing Prices: actual 54.8; forecast 49.9; previous 48.3;
- ISM Manufacturing Employment: actual 44.4; forecast 45.0; previous 43.9;
- ISM Manufacturing New Orders Index: actual 47.1; forecast 47.0; previous 46.1;
The October data does not look optimistic for the Fed. On one hand, the main manufacturing index comes in low, suggesting continued negative sentiment in the industry. On the other hand, we see a significant rebound in the price sub-index. Following the data release, the dollar has gained strongly, indicating that investors are primarily focused on the higher readings for the price sub-index.